2025: A Year of Transformation and Renewal
Why Feeling Stuck Might Be the Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to You
Shamanic Healing: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Souls
Stars in the Milky Way: 6 Tips on Finding Real-Deal Spiritual Guides and Healers in a Crowded Esoteric Marketplace
Finding Myself in Nature: How Mother Earth Healed Me From Chronic Illnesses and Emotional Wounds
Mother Earth did not give me Lyme disease—nor chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, neurological disorders, cystitis, or endometriosis. These chronic illnesses presented me with an opportunity to achieve spiritual mastery and to purge physically some of the trauma, pain and limiting beliefs of my ancestors.
EFT Tapping Can Reduce Your Time in Therapy
On its own, EFT is potent. Combined with other therapy methods, it’s more powerful and can reduce the number of psychotherapy sessions required.
Told You’re Too Sensitive? Here’s the Truth
It’s not you; it’s them. Consider that anyone who tries to tell you that you’re too sensitive might actually lack appropriate sensitivity.
The World Needs Highly Sensitive People
Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) can bring balance into a world ridden with chaos, instability, and conflict.
Invite Your Anxiety to Tea
What if we pulled up a chair and invited our anxiety to tea, so to speak? When we take the opportunity to face it, feel it and get to know it a little better, it calms.
From Dark Night to Rebirth
It all begins with an idea.
Hold Steady the Light
It all begins with an idea.
Mother Earth’s Embrace (With mp3)
Soothe your frazzled nerves, ease your anxiety, and create a safe space to tolerate your emotions by engaging in the exercise in this free mp3 as frequently as necessary.
How to Cope With Addictions and Cravings
It all begins with an idea.
A Love Story About Monsters on Halloween
It all begins with an idea.
Bring the “Love and Light” Into Your Darkness
It all begins with an idea.
How to Heal Your Inner Child
It all begins with an idea.
Ditch Doom & Gloom
It all begins with an idea.
Feeling With Ease
It all begins with an idea.
Indigo Is the Empath’s New Black
It all begins with an idea.