Told You’re Too Sensitive? Here’s the Truth
You’re not. Period. There’s no such thing. You’re exactly as you’re meant to be.
Consider this: You’re here to model the power and healing effects of sensitivity to others.
Anyone who claims you’re too sensitive is not taking responsibility for their insensitivity. They want you to change, because they aren’t comfortable looking at themselves. They want you to mirror them so they feel validated in their indifference or, worse yet, callousness.
Because most human beings have lacked sensitivity for thousands of years, much on our planet has become imbalanced and disharmonious. We see it play out in unhealthy relationships between spouses, employers and employees, governors and the governed. It manifests too in polluted air and waterways, and toxic soil and food.
Claim the gifts that come with your sensitivity, whether you’re an artist, teacher, healer, or something else. Be aware of what you add to creation, to other people’s lives—even if it’s your presence, compassion, or tenderness.
Imagine the world without the sensitive ones. I wouldn’t want to be a part of that—would you?
Remember, you’re not alone. Twenty percent of the population is like you.
So the next time someone tells you you’re too sensitive, tell them, “Thank you!”